In a recent strategy development session with all the creative folks here, I had asked a couple of the team members to take notes for me since my whiteboarding abilities are… well, not very structured. After our session, I asked a new team member to start putting together the findings in our standard format. He struggled a bit to pull everything together and it was at this point I realized we did not have a good way of thinking through strategies and documenting them in a way that could be easily understood.

I am a big fan of Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas used in the Lean Startup movement. So, using that as my inspiration, I came up with this Digital Marketing Canvas. We have started using it internally to help us focus on one client goal at a time and develop strategies in six digital channels. I decided it’s valuable enough that others may find it helpful in their own digital marketing strategy development.


  • The goal currently being addressed.
  • Any key insights that you have or have obtained. It helps document WHY you think something may work.
  • Notes for general information or questions or risks you identify through the strategy development.
  • Six digital channels for note taking. It’s in these spaces you can begin to think about how this particular channel (search, social, web/blog, email, mobile, and mulimedia) can help achieve the goal. Search and social have been split between “organic” or non-paid and “paid.”
  • Measures and KPIs are included here as well so that as you develop strategies you can also think about how to measure the successful implementation and outcomes of those strategies.

Clear as a Bell Summary

If you’re looking for structured approach to digital marketing strategy development, I invite you to download my Digital Marketing Canvas. If you use it, I’d love to hear about it and welcome any feedback. I’ve already modified the structure several times as I work with it. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your feedback!