How would we recognize your confidence in the workplace? This is one of my favorite interview questions and I have to say, one that is memorable to most people.
I can remember the first interview I performed. Not as a job seeker, but as a company representative. My manager was supposed to be the interviewer, but something came up last minute that pulled him into another activity. So, he asked me to fill in. I was nervous! And it did not go very well. I wasn’t sure how or what to ask, and I think I resorted to pretty typical interview questions with very little insight about the person as a result.
Now, I can say I have interviewed hundreds of people for a wide variety of roles in several different industries. And I love it…it is the best part of my job!
In working with our clients, we spend much time researching the keywords that their stakeholders search for online. These words then give us the insight we need to develop the proper content to link with them digitally. We have keywords that we also seek for when adding new team members. Here’s some insight on our talent keywords.
The 4 C’s:
• Confidence – you have to have it in our world. We’ll all smart and accountable to each other, so thriving means accepting all forms of feedback well.
• Continuous learning – this is a must in our world. Every day we work with a new tool, new technology or a new client.
• Creative spirit – need I say more. Our world exists to provide creative and innovative thinking.
• Collaboration – you don’t go it alone here. Our processes involve individual steps, but within a team, that lead to great results for our clients.
The P:
• Passion – it’s obvious. If you have passion, then motivation is already built in.
Notice they aren’t skills, they’re talents. I can’t imagine that any employer or organization would not want these talents within their team members. But, these particular talents may not be the right formula for your organization. You need to find yours. When you’ve discovered the key talents needed by your people, figure out a way to access them before you hire.
Here are a couple of thoughts on doing this:
• Don’t focus just on skill sets. In the hiring process, we often make the mistake of being lured by the person with the practiced skills we seek. You can’t teach a creative spirit. You can only develop one that already exists.
• Challenge the candidate to prove these talents to you. Think of questions to ask that really get to the heart of what you seek. Ask for examples, not just in theory but in reality. Listen to what they say. Talents are why and how we do things. They’ll give you plenty of insight through their responses.
• Think of this as an investment into your human capital. You would not purchase a building that wasn’t going to meet your needs for a number of years. Begin an employment relationship with a long term focus.
Keywords link you to your various stakeholders, including your potential team members. Know what they are so you can use them wisely in your selection content.