
Less is more. Quality over quantity. These old adages can hold true when it comes to gifts, interior decorating and … digital marketing. Yes, you read that right. There are many instances in the world of digital and Inbound marketing, where quality is much more important than quality. For instance: 

Blogs Posts

There is some debate in the world of Inbound Marketing about how often you should be blogging. Some sources say every day; others say once a week is enough. While it is important to take into account what others in your industry are doing, it’s more important to make sure that you are putting out quality content that your audiences will find value in; after all, they are the reason you are blogging.

And if that means you put out a quality post once a week, rather than several average posts a week than so be it.

Social Media Promotion

I am willing to bet that there are a few organizations and companies that you follow on social media that absolutely blow up your feed posting all the time (and often posting about the same thing). Don’t be those guys! I know with social media scheduling applications it can be tempting to schedule a ton of rather generic posts all in one go. Resist the urge!

If you are promoting your own content, write unique and engaging posts that will make people want to click. If you are sharing an article, write a post that gives an opinion about the post or gives some context as to why you are sharing it.

Website Visitors

If you’ve dipped your toe into the world of digital marketing, you know that many people are preaching about the importance of getting as much traffic to your website as possible. But it’s not about quantity of the traffic that you are getting, but the quality.

Your site could have hundreds or thousands of visitors, but if they are just looking at a page or two and leaving, they aren’t worth anything. You want to be attracting visitors who are going to stick around, peruse the content for awhile, and maybe even fill out a form or place an order.


Let’s say that your website is having no trouble bringing in leads. People are filling out forms and downloading your content like crazy and becoming “leads.”

But upon closer inspection, you find out that a majority of these “leads” are people who just wanted the cool content that you were offering as a download on your website. They would never actually make the transition from “lead” to “customer” and therefore aren’t what you would call a “quality” lead.

While it is important that your website brings in leads, it is even more important they are quality leads who will form a lasting relationship with your organization. 

Is your website not performing quite the way you might like?  Not bringing in the quality (or quantity) of leads that you need? Then take our website assessment!

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