We’ve been working to solve a puzzle on webTRAIN for a while, and we’re happy to let you know that we are rolling it out this week.

Tablets and smartphones make up a large portion of web surfers now, and it’s growing every day. The problem is, they rarely have the same internet speed available to them as desktop users.

That means the large, amazing image on the front of your website takes an awful long time to load up on a phone or tablet.

We’ve been able to get around this issue on a couple of specific sites through some hard work and javascript magic. But what we really wanted was a way to send the correct image size to all devices without having to do something special to each image.

It took a lot of research and experimentation, but we think we finally found that. Our code will determine the resolution of your device (i.e. 1600 pixels for a desktop computer, 1000 pixels for an iPad, 400 pixels for a phone) and using some special magic, we’ll resize images larger than your resolution to be closer to what size you need.

That means the phone is no longer downloading a 2000 pixel image, it’s downloading a 400 pixel image that still looks great, just downloads faster.

On some sites, we may be assuming an image will always be a certain size. When we now send a smaller image, it’s possible that it will somehow degrade the design because text may wrap wrong, or we may be telling the image to be bigger than what was sent.

That’s where you come in! We’ll be checking sites too, but if you can help us, that would be greatly appreciated.

We need your help

We have tested the technology, and the images resize just the way we want. However, it’s really difficult for us to ensure that the resized images will look great in every design we have made. We’ll need your help to check your site and let us know if some images seem distorted.

If you find an issue, please submit a support ticket so we can get it sorted out for you. We’ll be sure to refund the credit if we caused the issue.

When to check

The following schedule is planned for this release. You can start checking your site after 10am on the day your system is updated. Compare your admin URL against the following:

simpleclickcms.com – June 3

mytrainsite.com – June 4

strongretailer.com – June 4

bywebtrain.com – June 4

tmtsites.com – June 5

Thanks so much for your help!

One More Note

Because of this change, we are now allowing images to be uploaded to 2048px wide. Previously, we cropped all images down to 1000px.

Thanks so much for your assistance. If you have any questions, please send them to [email protected].